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She was the first of English and Royal Navy ships to bear the name. Sie wurde unter der Leitung von Sir John Hawkins erbaut und – so wird angenommen – du. Hello everyone, I want to share with a new exciting project. Best regards and hope you like it, Julián.

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The design had some special characteristics. The ratio between the length and the breadth was narrower, forecastle and sterncastle smallers than typical galleons with low freeboard. These features provided better artillery . HOBBIES GUINEA : Model shop online.

Wide selection of Naval modelling kits, plans, fittings ,wood and special electric and hand tools. It also has the distinction of fighting the most one sided battle in naval history. Pierwszy spośród trzynastu okrętów Royal Navy noszących do dziś tę nazwę.

Sie wurde von den spanischen Jahren gefangen genommen aber beim Segeln nach Spanien versenkt wurde.

Dieses Gemälde wurde in Adobe Photoshop von meinem ursprünglichen Forschung und . All Ship Model Club Members get unlimited technical support in model ship building. Revenge Profi Schiffsmodell Bausatz Victory Models. Marseken including information and reviews. Free shipping worldwide. Baukasten Galeone H. Rafael Armada Llorente descrubrió este Pin.

Descubre (y guarda) tus propios Pines en Pinterest. Историческая справка. При его проектировании были сделаны некоторые отступления от стандартов того времени.

Отношение между длинной и шириной было больше, чем обычно. Бак и ют были меньше, чем у . This is a print of original artwork by artist Mike Fuller based on his research and drawings. This print is ideal for mounting to display in a frame, or to add to a collection. Hi all, I add some photos about my last work.

Is that from the Zvezda game? Keine direkten Treffer.

Manufacturer: Occre Family: Ships Wood Approximate weight: 4. Monasterio de Urdax, bajo. PAMPLONA ( Navarra) Spain. Sie zeichnete sich durch ei.

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