Marginal synonym

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Marginal synonyms and Marginal antonyms. Top synonym for marginal (another word for marginal) is peripheral. Svensk ordbok online. Föreslå en synonym eller ett motsatsord till marginal. Högerpartiet Gerb vann med liten marginal flest röster men står politiskt isolerat och en möjlig allians mellan socialister och det turkiska partiet MRF saknar majoritet.

Finn synonymer til marginal og andre relaterte ord. Gratis norsk synonymordbok på nett.

Define marginal (adjective) and get synonyms. What is marginal (adjective)? Als Randwahrscheinlichkeit bezeichnet man die Wahrscheinlichkeiten, die am Rand einer Häufigkeitstabelle stehen, die relative Häufigkeiten für Merkmalskombinationen enthält (Kontingenztafel). Les synonymes sont des mots différents qui veulent dire la même chose. English dictionary definition of marginal cost.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words. The synonym marginal synonymous definition words: peripheral, passable, minimal, nonessential, edging. Mil merciful, delightful. Inimitable (synonym). Matchless, incomparable, unique.

Stopgap, improvisation. Permanent, durable, soli sturdy. Borderline, peripheral. Central, pivotal, focal. Another question is that if they are synonym , does the word scant sound more formal than.

Une opinion marginale, idée partagée par une petite minorité.

Médecine) Relatif à la marge anale. Hvad betyder marginal ! Synonymer for marginal ! Eksempel på anvendelse. Se alle synonymer nedenfor.

Was bedeutet marginal ! Anderes Wort für gut marginal und Kreuzworträtsel! Beispiel für Verwendung. The marginal tentacles are rarely absent in non-parasitic forms, and are typically four in number, corresponding to the four perradii marked by the radial canals. Insects, especially running insects, which have followed the track of honey glands upwards from the stem along the leaf, reach the mouth of the pitcher, and in their .

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