Modulo operator

Operatoren (für ganzzahlige Division und Restbildung) sind in den meisten Programmiersprachen (und sogar in CPUs) genau diesem Alltagsansatz entsprechend implementiert. Einige Programmiersprachen und Computeralgebrasysteme tragen dieser Vielfalt von Konventionen Rechnung, indem sie zwei Modulo – oder . For example, the expression mod would evaluate to because 5 . What is modular arithmetic? The operator computes the remainder after dividing its first operand by its second.

All numeric types have predefined remainder operators.

User-defined types can overload the operator (see operator). When a binary operator is overloade the corresponding assignment operator, if any, . Der Modulo – Operator führt eine Restwert-Division zweier Elemente aus. Dieser Operator ist nur für Integer-Typen zulässig und entspricht der Berechnung des Restwertes einer Division. Second the modulo operator is performing Euclidean division not arithmetic division. Mathematically this is expecte however that is why the characterization of modulo as returning the “remainder of a division operation” can catch programmers by surprise – it does not return a fractional decimal.

Der Divisionsrestoperator berechnet den Rest der Division zweier Operanden. Das Ergebnis hat immer das Vorzeichen des Dividenden, nicht des Divisors ( umgekehrt wie bei modulo ). Es läuft ein Antrag auf die Übernahme eines echten Modulooperators in eine zukünftige Version des ECMAScript.

You may not have learned modular arithmetic, but you have probably used angles and know that -90° is the same as 270° because it is modulo 360. Then you read where is 5. Er liefert den verbleibenden Rest bei der Division zweier Zahlen. A very simple yet maybe not obvious use of the modulus ( ) operator is to check if an integer is odd or even.

This is nice when you want to make alternating- color rows on a table, or divs. Das Symbol, um den Rest zu bekommen, ist (Prozentzeichen). Wenn Sie die Tabelle der Operatoren betrachten werden Sie sehen, dass er die gleiche.

By default, x mod m and _mod(x, m) are both equivalent to modp(x, m). You can redefine the modulo operator mod and its functional form _mod by using modp and mods. An integer expression. If the expression could result in a decimal value, then that value will be rounded before the MODULO operation occurs.

This may or may not produce a result that is sensible for your business logic. For code readability, such an expression should be explicitly converted to an integer expression with . It gets remainders from dividing numbers. Rust currently has a remainder operator in the form of , which behaves as the operator of the same symbol does in languages like C or Java. FreePascal also supports the mod operator for floating point values when you include the math unit.

The precision used is the highest . Description, Calculates the remainder when one number is divided by another. Note that when the divisor is .

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