There have been many Irish NFL players who have taken to the Super Bowl gridiron over the years and made some indelible contributions to the game. Here is the Irish Central list of the ten best Irish American football players of All-time in no particular order. The 39-year-old collected his fifth Super Bowl MVP and shows no signs of stopping soon. Dude got the Chewbacca feet. Ireland Jersey Football Quarterback.
Paul Bunyan would pat you on the back.
The denim shell is waxed to repel the elements and keep your valuables safe, . These rankings are informed by how players are performing this year, not on career reputation. I know this will be a great experience for the players. Dublin) — A good half-back . I formed a team and I was quarterback , what else? We had some good players and some good plays, every one of our games were exciting.
I was throwing the ball with hair-splitting accuracy. Warner asked if he could take me down to meet the varsity coach and play on the varsity team.
Aggie quarterback David Shipman ran four yards for the apparent tone-setting first-quarter score and a 7–lead. Continue reading