MwSt- Informationsaustauschsystem (MIAS): Validierung der MwSt-Nummer. Um die Gültigkeit einer MwSt-Nummer in einem bestimmten Land zu überprüfen, wählen Sie den entsprechenden Mitgliedstaat aus dem Pull-down-Menu aus und geben die zu prüfende . VIES VAT number validation. You can verify the validity of a VAT number issued by any Member State by selecting that Member State from the drop-down menu provide and entering the number to be validated.
EUROPA – Mehrwertsteuer-Informationsaustauschsystem (MIAS): Wie man es benutzt – Spezifikationen der Datenbank. The VAT Information Exchange System is an free online service that enables companies to check that other businesses that they are trading with are properly VAT registered.
This EU VAT number checking is a major requirement of all companies, and can lead to investigations and heavy fines if not completed. Bulgaria (BG) was missing your country list. Thanx for fixing that!
Contribute to VIESCheckVatService development by creating an account on GitHub. It helps to detect unreported movements. Once you have a CIF, you may then apply to be listed in VIES.
Usually you would like them to enter valid ids. Moreover, in some cases you have to check this number. Continue reading