Focus Designs has released the SBU V3. Elektrisches EinRad – ULTRABIKE – Self-Balancing- Unicycle Das RAD wurde neu erfunden ! Ein Rad – aber unendlich viel Spaß. Das versprechen die Entwickler des elektro- betriebenen Unicycle SBU V3.
In bis Minuten soll jeder das Fahrzeug beherrschen können.
Sehen Sie im Video, wie man mit etwas Übung schnell durch die Straßen saust. Dies ist die Webseite von spassfahrzeuge. Shop with confidence on eBay! And you thought riding a Segway made you look dorky. The SBU VSelf- Balancing Unicycle ($TBA) combines Segway-like tech — including multiple 3- way sensors and gyroscopes — with all the circus-like fun of a unicycle , allowing you to move by doing nothing more than leaning forwar backwar and to the side.
It is truly hands-free. Embedded features will assist you in the motion learning of this device. Looking for a new to commute from one place to another, with an eye for fun and unique riding experience?
The SBU Vis sure a portable way to enable to travel distances in your daily routine, as it only weighs . The SBU VSelf-Balancing Unicycle ($TBA) combines Segway- like tech — including multiple 3-way sensors and gyroscopes — with all the circus-like fun of a unicycle , allowing you to move by doing nothing more than leaning . You know that old saying lsquoItrsquos just like riding a bike? Well, yoursquove never ridden a bike like this. So which one is best?
And if you live in or ride into really hilly places like much of San Francisco, the SBU Vgives you much greater comfort that . The amazing electric self balancing unicycle. No handlebars or steering wheel might sound complicate but the SBU VSelf Balancing Unicycle makes it a breeze to learn how to guide the electronic unicycle. After appearing on popular hit TV shows like Shark Tank, Myth Busters, and tosh. O, the SBU Vis exploding in popularity. Although zero-wheeled hoverboards are still not a reality for some reason in the 21st century, this cool new SBU Vat least gets personal transport vehicles down to one.
An electric unicycle with regenerative braking, one of the most modern way to move. Ridimg for pleasure or another great way to get from one place to another. Around these parts, we like to say two wheels ba but where does that leave vehicles with only one wheel?
Four and two-wheeled transport is so last century. Using some cool features like Turn AssistTM and Smart SenseTM the SBU Vactively “learns” your motions and performs numerous safety calculations every second . The SBU Vis the third version of the evolution of the SBU , the Self-Balancing- Unicycle , which is as close to perfect as personal electric transport can come.
A lightweight, economic and efficient means of transport which is revolutionizing the way we move. The inventors, engineers and designers spent years developing the . Apple Rockstars mention the SBU while revealing the newest, latest and greatest on the Keynote product lineup.