It may also involve removal of the cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes and other surrounding structures. Medical definition of extirpation : complete excision or surgical destruction of a body part. Stepwise Devascularization of Uterus – Duration: 8:41.
The purpose of the operation is to remove the uterus through the abdomen, with or without removing the tube and ovaries. The predominant physiologic change from removal of the uterus is the elimination of the uterine disease and the menstrual flow. If the ovaries are removed with the specimen, the .
Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Get a printable copy (PDF file) of the complete article (327K), or click on a page image below to browse page by page. EXTIRPATION OF THE UTERUS. Search for articles by this author.
Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Learn more about article metrics. The prime object of the angiotribe here represented is to produce absolute hemostasis and do away with ligatures or foreign bodies in the operative field.
Most of the literature supports the view that vaginal hysterectomy, when feasible, is the safest and most cost-effective procedure for removal of the uterus.
Nevertheless, the abdominal route is the one most commonly chosen: of hysterectomies are performed abdominally, are performed vaginally, . Author links open the author workspace. Journal home page for The Lancet. Prolapse of the inverted uterus will be discussed in Chapter XI. The extirpation of the prolapsed but not inverted uterus has been carried out quite . Vaginal hysterectomy is a procedure in which the uterus is surgically removed through the vagina.
Womb, when the Ulcerationjirst makes its appearance. Might not the womb be taken out above the symphysis pubis, or through the outlet of the pelvis? If above the symphysis pubis , might . Fungous tumors of the neck of the uterus,.
Ulcers, mushroom- excrescences and vegetations of the neck of the uterus,. Remarks on the effects of ergot,. Classification of cancerous diseases of the uterus, 3CHAPTER IV.
The of extirpation by this method are so discouraging that it will probably be only employed in cases where, from the smallness of the vagina or the large size of the uterus , extirpation by the vaginal operation is impossible. In this case I followed the vaginal method of extirpation elaborated by Czerny and . Multipara, version and forceps. Immediate reposition, next day resection of 1cm.