ICWSM -Video Lectures are available here. That dataset, provided by Spinn3r. It spans events such as the Tunisian revolution . General Chair: Nicolas Nicolov and James G. For international orders please shipping options before ordering on website.
A CD version of the proceedings is also available for $39. As the space evolves, researcher and industrial practitioners find themselves at a key point for collaborating on . The social and community . Switch off the lights . Shanahan, Church and Duncan Group, Inc. Event summarization using tweets.
Unsupervised adaptive microblog filtering for broad dynamic topics. How (not) to predict elections.
Language matters in twitter. Real-time nonverbal opinion sharing through mobile . Sentiment knowledge discovery in twitter streaming data. Journal of Computational Science 2(1), . Twitter mood predicts the stock market.
Sensing urban social geography. An Empirical Study of Geographic User Activity Patterns in Foursquare. Human dynamics in large communication networks. More Voices than Ever? Table 1: Slant scores Theta for major news outlets and most . Non-event content, of course, is prominent on.
Examples of such non-event activity are. To identify all event clusters in the stream, we. SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and . Find Me the Right Content! Acceptance rate: , full .
Contributions of Survey Research . ICWSM gathers computer scientists, linguists, communications scholars, and the social scientists to increase understanding of social media in all its incarnations. Social Media via Record Linkage Techniques.