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Seiten Diese Seite übersetzen Cited half-life, 8. Support Center Support Center.
Simple NCBI Directory. Index Copernicus Value: 84. Incidence and outcomes of thoracic aortic injuries with regionalized care in a mature trauma system.
A one-year cost–utility analysis of REBOA versus . Impact of falls on early mortality from severe traumatic brain injury. Address: 1Department of Public Health, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, USA, . Factors associated with delay in trauma team activation and impact on patient outcomes – Rory Connolly, Michael Y. Woo, Jacinthe Lampron, Jeffrey J.
The EAST primer on using evidence-based outcome measures to develop practice management guidelines (PMGs) suggested the levels of recommendation. Nathens AB, Rivara FP, MacKenzie EJ, et al. Journal Impact Factor : 2. The impact of an intensivist-model . Outcome analysis of management of liver trauma : A. The weekend effect: does time of admission impact management and outcomes of small bowel obstruction? J Trauma Acute Care Surg. Our primary aim is to facilitate the exchange of ideas, techniques and information among all members of the trauma team.
This is the first study analyzing the impact of a trauma center on the management of specific injuries, such as severe hemoperitoneum, in patients in Korea. The Impact of Trauma Center Establishment on Laparotomy Patterns and Outcomes in Severe Hemoperitoneum Patients. The vast majority of hepatic injuries are secondary to blunt trauma sustained during motor vehicle collisions. The possibility of uncontrolled hemorrhage and a myriad of delayed complications contribute to a high morbidity and mortality rate associated with hepatic trauma. Historically, operative management was the . Only individuals who have made significant contributions to the manuscript should be listed as authors, all other contributions . To read full length articles on Trauma Case Reports, subscribe to Injury, edited by Professor Peter Giannoudis and the Trauma Case Reports team.
The top 1cited of injury- international journal of the care of the injured: A bibliometric analysis. This study was undertaken to investigate which patients years of age or older have adverse outcomes after discharge from the emergency department (ED).
The outcomes of those patients were compared to patients treated before the TTP. Moreover, the complication rate in thoracic trauma is also determined by injuries remote from the chest. A retrospective chart review with selective longitudinal follow-up was conducted for patients with blunt aortic injury. Surveillance imaging with computed tomography angiography was performed. Nonoperative patients were then reviewed and analyzed for survival, evolution of aortic injury, and treatment failures.
AI Maas, A Marmarou, GD Murray, SG Teasdale, EW SteyerbergPrognosis and clinical trial design in traumatic brain injury: the IMPACT study. J Styrke, BM Stalnacke, P Sojka, U BjornstigTraumatic brain injuries in a well-defi ned population: epidemiological . Cite this article: Vogt KN, Maruscak A, Swart M, Girotti M, Gray DK, et al. Outcomes of Elderly Trauma Patients Admitted to an Intensive Care Unit. Practice management guidelines for geriatric trauma: the EAST Practice Management Guidelines Work Group.
AD HOC COMMITTEE ON OUTCOMES. The EAST Practice Management Guidelines for Penetrating Trauma to the Lower Extremity provide more detailed. Bosse MJ, MacKenzie EJ, Kellam JF, et al: An analysis of outcomes of reconstruction or amputation of leg- threatening injuries.