Cuddling somewhere 3. Hanging out with friends 10. Wearing kigurumis 12. That would be so cute! Seeing John all worried about him – just that “Day by Day” interview,when Paul got stomach flu.
Fading Away ( McLennon FanFiction ) by plxstic_rose.
They’re best friends. John and Paul have been the closest mates for quite a while now. But soon, John begins to get these feelings around Paul, a butterfly sensation in. Paul and John have feelings for each other, but how do they express them? What happens when John goes on an lsd trip and nonsense flies out of his mouth?
James Paul McCartney ist ein 15-jähriger Schüler der Quarrybank High School aus Liverpool, England. Das Thema Liebe ist ihm völlig fremd bevor er sich Hals über Kopf in den 17-jährigen John Winston Lennon verliebt. Nicht nur, dass er keine Ahnung hat was er tun soll, da John zu den populärsten Jungen der Schule .
John Lennon and Paul McCartney have been best friends for a while now. Browse through and read thousands of mclennon fanfiction stories and books. The Beatles have pretty much taken over my life. Paul is my favourite and I love him to death with his stupid perfect face.
I write fanfiction and McLennon was real. You can also request fics or submit your own. Find and follow posts tagged mclennon fanfiction on Tumblr. Leia as melhores histórias escritas pelos fãs com a tag Mclennon.
Beatles- McLennon is a fanfiction author that has written stories for Once Upon a Time, Chronicles of Narnia, Supernatural, Across the Universe, Les Misérables, X-Men: The Movie, Harry Potter, Les Miserables, and Infernal Devices, Cassandra Clare. Mclennon Fanfiction Recommendations (Fluff only) – Drawing with Words Hair Grease Hair Grease Am I fat? Food poisoning Birthday Hair Grease Drawing with Words Jealously (a favourite of mine) Pandemic. This site is for the glorious fanfics of McLennon , Starrison, Jeith, and occasionally others. A mega rec post for Beatle shippers!
One of those fics that makes you feel stressful but in good ways. And I Love Him (A McLennon FanFiction ) – And I Love HiPart – monkberrymoondelite.