Wage war with five factions , each with unique abilities. Command your army with strategic thinking and tactical gambles and you . Modern combat meets RISK – the classic game of global domination. RISK steps into the near future with modern armies. Direct the war from your high-tech control room, fighting on the classic .
Здесь вы найдёте всё по играм, новости, описание, подсказки по прохождению и, конечно же, дружественное сообщество. Risk : Factions PSна Stratege. Xbox, PlayStation и Nintendo). Players will be able to engage as one of five playable factions, each with different strengths, as they wage war on new maps with dynamic terrain in their quest for . Was this game removed from the store?
Millions have staked their fortune on control of this covete defensible territory, and in the digital . View all the trophies here.
Descubra a melhor forma de comprar online. Glad that they brought this to PSN since XBL has had it for a while. Those were great games on the PC that I played over a decade ago.
Do you love a game with a challenge? Play with classic rules or reign supreme with objective-based and world conquest scenarios as you command your army and take tactical gambles. RISK : Factions hat ein neues Foto zu dem Album „Outernauts“ hinzugefügt. X360-Titel bald für . Tenemos la fecha de lanzamiento, análisis, últimas noticias, traíler, gameplays y mucho más.
Average Rating1Rating(s). La divertidísima adaptación del clásico juego de tablero llega, por fin, a la sobremesa de Sony, con varios modos de juego (entre los que se incluyen el modo clásico) y un montón de ejércitos la mar de . Erhalte als Erster im Spiel eine Mission. Erledige 1Menschen-, Katzen-, Roboter-, Yeti- und Zombie -Einheiten.
Fraktions-Spezialist. Absolviere die Menschen-, Katzen-, Roboter-, Yeti- und Zombie-Kampagnen. The options menu is pretty bare, but it .
See how you stack up on the RISK Leaderboards;. Lanzamiento, últimas noticias, análisis, gameplays y mucho más. Kill 1human, cat, robot, yeti and zombie units.
Complete the human, cat, robot, yeti and zombie campaigns. Defend a minimum of attackers with defender. Todas las guias, claves, códigos, secretos en Trucolandia.
Trophies Trophy Description Star General (Gold) Win a game on each map. Capitalize This (Silver) Control capitals. Demon Child (Silver) Achieve super overkills.