Risk shifting has many connotations, the most common one being the tendency of a company or financial institution that is facing financial distress to take on excessive risk. This high-risk behavior is generally undertaken with the objective of generating high rewards to equity owners . Since equity downside risk is . This agency problem has attracted a great deal of interest in the literature, mainly in attempting to identify ways to mitigate the problem , and . Risk – shift oder Risky shift, auch als Risikoschub-Phänomen bezeichnet, beschreibt eine Beobachtung, die man bei sozialpsychologischen Experimenten und Untersuchungen machte: Gruppen entscheiden im Allgemeinen risikofreudiger als Einzelpersonen. Es scheint eine Art Abwälzung auf andere Gruppenmitglieder .
Die gebietsbezogenen Integrierten Handlungskonzepte brauchen die . How does corporate investment risk -taking change when a firm has high leverage or approaches distress? In high-leverage states of the worl equity holders benefit from successful outcomes of high- risk projects, while losses from unsuccessful outcomes are borne by debt holders. Neben dem eben beschriebenen Risikoanreizproblem (englisch: risk shifting , oder asset substitution) existieren noch andere potenzielle Fehlanreize bei Fremdfinanzierung, von denen einige z. Such an incentive problem is referred to as risk – shifting or asset substitution.
Thus, there exists a fundamental tradeoff between solving the risk – shifting problem and solving the observability problem. It is demonstrated that when the contract chosen by lender and borrower is a debt contract, the risk – shifting problem can be mitigated through the use of collateral. Risk – Shifting Incentives and Signalling Through.
Corporate Capital Structure. This paper examines optimal corporate financing arrangements under asymmetric information for different patterns of temporal resolution of uncertainty in the underlying technology. An agency problem , a signalling . Finanzierung notwendige Kapital bereitzustellen bzw. Bedingungen bereitzustellen. Risk Shifting – Problem wirkt auch hier ein Hedging-Programm wie eine Eigenkapitalerhöhung und senkt die Agency-Kosten des Fremdkapitals.
Allerdings stellt sich ebenfalls hier die Frage, welche Kontroll- . In the limiting case of full collateralization, the risk-shifting incentive disappears completely. Conclusion This chapter used the game theory analysis of options to address two classical problems in financial contracting, the risk – shifting problem and the observability problem, and to explore the relationship between them. Dynamic Moral Hazar Risk-Shifting, and. Optimal Capital Structure∗. I develop an analytically tractable model that integrates the risk – shifting problem between bondholders and shareholders with the moral hazard problem between share- holders and the manager.
Our paper fills this gap by investigating the performance consequences of risk shifting. If agency problems are the main cause behind risk shifting , . To set a framework of analysis for this moral hazard problem , we provide a brief synthesis of the incentive scheme underlying risk shifting. Then, we propose an empirical method to . Preferences, Technology, and Timing.
Model without Moral Hazard.
Model with Moral Hazard. Empirical Implications. Conclusions and Extensions . It incorporates the simplest type of asymmetric information problem in the form of a hidden action taken by corporate management.
The Moral Hazard Problem.