I have page on my website with details and circuits of various noise cancellation circuits including the SEM. It can work under some circumstances. But most of the time you may find that it does very little.
Bob Eldridge, VE7BS~. Problems with local QRM on short wave? Hauptantenne zum TxRx.
QRM Eliminator oder HF – Notchfilter nach DG0KW (vielen Dank). Um das lokale QRM von Schaltnetzteilen usw. Bereich von 160m bis 6m zu reduzieren habe ich dieses Gerät aufgebaut und. May have to make some cables for it and see if I can get it all wired up for the ARRL SSB Contest this weekend.
On a quick test on 80M it took a Snoise level down to Swith a bit of adjusting. Die erreichten Ergebnisse hängen in erster Linie von den Antennen und ihrer gegenseitigen Zuneigung ab. Several online reviews and numerous videos seemed to indicate its effectiveness and taking up the then summer discount offer I ordered one for the princely sum of €1including . This band selector does not seem to perform any real function, all the contacts on the rotary switch are in fact wired together (?).
The schematics are from DK9NL.
I found it on the DARC. Re: QRM – Eliminator. Beitrag von IC228. This project was intended to accompany the stealth antenna project. Nachteil meines Gerätes.
Anyone tried one of these? If so, a) does it work? QRM has been satisfactorily eliminated on a certain frequency, does one have to readjust the unit when tuning to another frequency or band? Ive just bought one with no manual. What aux antenna should I be using and where should the aux antenna be located in relation to my main antenna.
Secondly, what is the procedure for tuning the gain, phaseand phasecontrols. Mnay thanks, John G0WPA. Testbericht aus dem FUNKAMATEUR zum S. Darf ich mal ganz frech den Schaltplan und ein bißchen Text dranhängen? Falls irgendwelche Rechte verletzt werden bitte löschen) Und noch der Hinweis, daß der S. Selbstbau ist möglich, es .