You will have to present it whenever you get medical treatment. Always a winner: Techniker Krankenkasse first in the Focus-Money health insurer test for . Health insurance is a part of the German social security system. Its tasks are the promotion of health, illness prevention and cover of health risks.
And this social network is, in all modesty, one of the best-performing social systems in the world. n Sie eine leistungsstarke Krankenversicherung?
Wechseln Sie zu Deutschlands Spitzenreiterin unter den Gesetzlichen: Techniker Krankenkasse. If you plan to study in Germany , one of the things you will need is a health insurance because without proof of a health insurance you cannot enroll in a German university. German law differentiates between the following groups: Students from other EU countries who are already insured in their country of . Employees whose salary regularly exceeds a specific threshold are no longer compulsorily insure but become a voluntary member of the health insurance fund or change.
In such a case we recommend granting TK direct debit authorisation for your bank account. More articles from Your health insurance in Germany. Check here the most important benefits German health insurance provides for you.
Whatever happens to you when it comes to your health, with TK you will always have access to hospital care. If you need to stay in hospital, you will have to make a co-payment of euros per day, a maximum .
You have to send the sick certificate to your employer and your insurance company immediately. If you are insured at TK , you can find out the correct postal address to send us your certificate on this webcontact data ( German ) . This means that each insuree makes a contribution towards financing social security depending on the individual (financial) ability. Having said that, the benefits are always the same for all insurees. Long-term care insurance. TK has over 2branch offices throughout Germany.
You can always count on seeing a personal adviser there to talk help you with your questions and concerns. To find the next branch office near you, use the application TK branch offices. The information includes contact data, opening hours, maps and a route planer.
How much you have to pay for your health insurance. As one of the leading insurers in Germany , Die Techniker helps Expatriates to choose the right health insurance. A team of advisers assists you with all the questions you might have regarding the German health care system. This does not mean that the benefits are very different, as all health insurance funds must stick to the government regulations on the minimum they offer. Folks, Just a quick question about applying for the TK health insurance.
Hi, I have just arrived in Germany on a student visa of two years and I have a Public health insurance from TK of 80Euros. After arriving I am having a fee. Germany offers a very good level of medical care and has a structured health insurance system in place (statutory health insurance companies and private insurers).
AOK Baden Württemberg, 7€.
DAK – Gesundheit, 7€. KKH – Kaufmännische Krankenkasse, 7 €. Seiten Diese Seite übersetzen Apply online (application form only in german language). The general terms and conditions of insurance (AVB) are available in German on the Envivas website.
Having health insurance is compulsory in Germany. While I think this is a nice idea in .