These children are absolutely stunning. PL5B5DTouE16CzePB6CKrLev34dmZrwhKQ. You Raise Me Up – Chinese Boy and Girl. Amazing Kid and best voice ever. It seems like kids get more talented every year.
The contemporary hymn was originally written by Irish- Norwegian band Secret Garden, but it has been covered by dozens of singers, . Celine, who is from Hong Kong, and Jeffrey, who is Canadian, reunited recently for an appearance on the Steve Harvey- hosted . He taught her the singing and performing techniques, helped her with songs in multiple languages. On , the video . When fellow performer Celine Tam, a seven year old girl from Hong Kong, joins him on stage for a duet, the audience are clearly not expecting such an amazing performance from two young singers. See more ideas about Josh gorban, Josh songs and Selah songs.
Old5Me pointspointspoints year ago (children ). Like, supremely talente and all. When Jeffrey Li opens his mouth and starts to sing , silence reigns in the audience. Jaws drop to hear such a beautiful voice come out of such a young boy. Then Celine Tam joins him, and the audience erupts into applause.
When I am down an oh, my soul, so weary. When troubles come and my heart burdened be. Then, I am still and wait here in the silence. Until you come and sit awhile with me.
Which is why these two Chinese kids became instant Internet sensations after their videos were shared on days ago. You raise me up , so I can stand on mountains. Jeffrey Li, a 10- year-old boy from Canada, is already known for his golden voice.
These children are really small in age, but the way they sing this epic masterpiece is definitely going to get you hooked! Their rendition is simply . SATB arranged by Roger Emerson. Thien An Choir, Most Holy Trinity Church, . Here comes an outstanding performance from Chinese talent show in which little guy and his sister sing You.
Her talent is just so fat beyond her years.