Greatness takes investment. Weekend to Remember Marriage Getaway. From Friday evening thru Sunday afternoon, couples experience lively and insightful teaching from FamilyLife trained speaker couples offering time-tested tools and lessons on how to have a successful . Hear the of more than three dec. We are a non-profit, charitable group that helps couples stay married for a lifetime.
Our goal is to build strong families and help create a productive nation.
Tim and Darcy are just a couple of the nationally known speakers who will present practical, biblical principles that have been proven in their own homes. Whether your marriage needs hope for the future, practical . John and I recently celebrated years of marriage. When was the last time you truly spent intentional time on your marriage?
I get it, time, money, other resources…. Threats to Oneness, Part 1with Dennis Rainey. Day of 10: What would happen if you built a house with two different sets of blueprints, two different architects, and two.
Marriage can have ups and downs–seasons of deep love and seasons of wondering what happened to the person you fell in love with. In any season, encouragement helps.
Tune into the Morning Show with Pam . By getting away from the distractions of life, you can fortify your most important relationship . Cru Military in partnership FamilyLife wants you to know they understand the added struggles of military life. Because they appreciate your service, they want military couples to attend at a discounted military rate. And at select getaway . Want to do something special for a spouse or significant other?
Give the gift of a stronger, healthier relationship. Designed for couples, whether engage newlywed or . Changing the worl one home at a time. Find out more information on this. CDA Resort location: 1S. This two-and- a-half day marriage getaway is held at hotels and resorts across the country.
This conference is a great opportunity to get much needed time alone together. Hope to see you there! We welcome everyone: the divorce the on-the-verge of divorce, the deliriously-in- love, the newlyweds, the wise, seasoned couple.
We speak to those who are happy and to those who are broken. By focusing on timeless biblical principles, we .