Für diese Seite sind keine Informationen verfügbar. However, bags continue to be mishandled at the rate of per minute, worldwide, with transfers the chief culprit. How airlines resolve the. Wenn Ihr Gepäck nicht an Ihrem Zielort ankommt, müssen Sie dies vor Verlassen des Flughafens bei der Fluggesellschaft melden, mit der Sie gereist sind.
Your baggage details have been entered into our worldwide computerized baggage tracing system.
Sie wird seit Jahren von den meisten Fluggast-Airlines, zum Beispiel von Lufthansa oder Emirates genutzt. Das System erlaubt unter anderem die schnelle Ermittlung von fehlgeleitetem . It has been in operation for many years and is used by airlines such as Qantas, Lufthansa, and Emirates. The system allows for the rapid determination of mishandled baggage. This form will automatically be shown to you online, when your baggage is not found within days. Please enter your last name and file reference . Track late and delayed baggage using your 10-character file reference.
You can report your missing baggage to the Lufthansa baggage tracing desk at the airport or to the local Lufthansa representative at the airport.
You will then receive a written confirmation with a reference number. Please keep this safe as you will need it again. Delayed baggage is usually found within hours.
While you wait for your delayed baggage , we will assist you by providing you with the most essential necessities in the short term, such as toiletries and underwear. If your baggage has not been delivere you can also report it . You will need your Baggage File Reference number for any correspondence in tracing and retrieving your missing baggage. You can normally find the desk in the Arrivals hall near to the baggage claim area. This report will have a unique reference number, which helps us to trace your . Is your baggage missing ? In the case of baggage irregularities, you can trace your baggage here.
Keep the baggage voucher you received at check-in ready. The more precise the description of your case or bag that you can provide, the more successful the search is likely to be. The baggage tracking office . Please accept our apologies for the mishandling of your baggage and any inconvenience it may have caused. Click the link here below and fill out the form to display information about your delayed bag.
World baggage tracer.
We will advise you once your baggage has been received and arrange a convenient time for delivery. In case you have not received your baggage within five days of you arrival, please fill out the Inventory List form .